An ignition interlock program gets you back on the road – and helps you get where you’re going. Sens-O-Lock is more than just a device, we’re a trusted advisor on how to successfully complete your interlock program.
Buy NowFor all first-time offenders, get back on the road the day you have your certified IID installed. For first-time offenders with a BAC greater than .15 and all subsequent offenders, your license forfeiture period will not begin until the certified IID is installed on your vehicle.
The WC9000+ is the industry's most innovative wireless handset in the market. No more worrying about missed tests on cold winter mornings while the vehicle is warming and you are clearing snow/ice from your windshield. The WC9000+ is right in your pocket! No cord means you won’t be left stranded due to a damaged connection. Bring the handset indoors in extreme temperatures to expedite start time.
Consequences for DUI cases in New Jersey have been overly punitive, leaving many to wonder how to continue to provide for loved ones without the right to their driving privileges. With the passing of new legislation in New Jersey, license forfeiture periods have been drastically reduced. Your license forfeiture period will not begin until your certified Ignition Interlock Device (IID) has been installed in your vehicle.
For the duration of the interlock period, you may not drive any vehicle other than one in which an IID has been installed. Failure to have an ignition interlock installed when ordered could result in an additional one-year driving privilege suspension.
A DUI is the offense of driving after drinking more than the amount of alcohol that is permitted under the law.
A breathalyzer is a device used by police for measuring the amount of alcohol in a driver's breath.
The ignition interlock device is a breathalyzer that is installed in your vehicle to make sure that your blood alcohol level (BAC) does not exceed the legal limits. This is required to make sure that you are legally allowed to operate the vehicle.
Ask us about finding you a certified IID installer at a location that is most convenient for you.
A lockout is when the breathalyzer will not allow you to provide a breath sample until the lockout has cleared. The lockout can be due to a missed calibration appointment or providing too many failing breath samples.
The FR900 is the older design which uses a key pad to enter lock-out codes in emergencies. It requires a straight blow of air into the device in order for it to properly measure your BAC level.
The WC9000+ is wireless device however the start test must be performed inside the vehicle. The wireless feature allows one to receive a Rolling Retest Alert while out of the vehicle, up to approximately 60 feet. This enables one to start the vehicle then take the handheld unit indoors while the vehicle is warming up. The WC9000+ is also touch screen and has an optional camera component if court mandated.
NJ Cheap Interlock is committed to ensuring that you have a stress-free experience, from installation to removal of the IID. The WC9000+ has incorporated the latest technology to make sure your driving experience does not get interrupted. Many of our competitor’s older models will make it difficult to register an appropriate Bac reading, which can lead to a failed test despite your BAC being under the legal limits.
NJ Cheap Interlock partnered with Sens-O-Lock of America are family owned business that place the highest level of importance on customer care. Weekend hours are available to speak to one of our specialists, and we will always have a bi-lingual representative available for your convenience.
We have certified IID installers throughout the entire State of NJ to make sure your travel time is limited for IID installation and recalibration.